Online Consultations | Greg Elsey

Greg Elsey

Technology has become an essential part of all of our lives – it can even be useful in personal growth work. While using the internet as a mode of communication for coaching and therapy may seem somewhat unconventional, this flexible option offers all of the benefits of a qualified, experienced, face-to-face Coach/Therapist, with the added benefits of convenience and affordability.

The program I use is Zoom, a free, high quality video conferencing program that allows us to see and hear each other using your computer and webcam (and headset if you choose). Zoom is free and easy to download off the internet or install as an app, is free of adware/malware/spyware etc. and, most importantly, is confidential. You can use Zoom on your desktop computer, mobile phone or even tablet (such as an iPad).

It is generally agreed that face-to-face is the preferred option for resolving personal and life issues. However, it is also recognised that online support is another method of providing assistance when face-to-face services are not possible or not desired, by the client.

Some reasons people may choose online support:
• Previous clients who no longer live in the same area.
• Previous training participants who want to continue their personal growth and stay connected.
• People who live in areas where there are no face-to-face  services available.
• People who may move regularly due to work commitments and wish to retain the supportive relationship they have developed.
• People at home with small children who don’t have childcare support to attend counselling.
• Single parents who just need another adult to bounce things off, as well as getting some emotional support for themselves.
• Ex-pats – people living in non-English speaking countries who find it difficult to access these services.
• People who are just used to, and comfortable with, this method of communication.
• Wanting to access services outside of business hours, at times that suit you.

Who this service is not suitable for:
People under the age of 18 without parental consent
People who are in crisis or who are experiencing domestic violence, mental health issues or suicidal ideation.
If you require emergency assistance please see the contact numbers below:

  • Kids Help Line 1800 55 1800
  • Lifeline 13 11 14
  • 24 hour Domestic Violence Crisis Line 1800 65 64 63

Before requesting or accepting support from me, please read and accept our Terms and Conditions.

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